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Version and revision date :  1 16.3.2012.         Date published:  16.3.2012.        



S a f e t y     D a t a     S h e e t

According to Regulation (EC) 1907/2006

6567  Nonidet® p-40 Substitute 


1.      Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1  Product identifier


Nonidet® p-40 Substitute





REACH Registration Number: A registration number is not available for this substance as the substance or its use are exempted from registration according to Article 2 REACH Regulation (EC) Nº 1907/2006, the annual tonnage does not requiere a registration, the registration is envisaged for a later registration deadline or it is a mixture.


1.2  Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture:



For laboratory utilisation, analysis, research and fine chemistry.


1.3  Identification of the company or firm:


C/Garraf 2

Polígono Pla de la Bruguera

E-08211 Castellar del Vallès

(Barcelona)  Spain

Tel. (+34) 937 489 400

e-mail: product.safety@panreac.com


1.4  Emergency telephone:

Single telephone number for emergency calls: 112 (EU)

Tel.: (+34) 937 489 499


2.      Identification of dangers


Classification of the substance or the mixture.




Classification Regulation (CE) nº 1272/2008.


Eye Irrit. 2


Skin Irrit. 2

Resp. Sens 1

Skin Sens. 1


Hazard Pictograms



Signal word




  Hazard statements

H319  Causes serious eye irritation.

H335  May cause respiratory irritation.

H315  Causes skin irritation.

H334  May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.

H317  May cause an allergic skin reaction.



  Precautionary statements

P280  Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection or face protection.

P302+P352  IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.

P304+P340  IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.

P305+P351+P338  IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.




Classification (67/548/CEE or 1999/45/CE).


Xi   Irritant

T   Toxic

N   Dangerous for the environment







For the full text of the R-phrases mentioned in this section, see section 16.

3.       Composition/information on ingredients



Name: Nonidet® p-40 Substitute

CAS [9016-45-9]

EC number (EINECS): 500-024-6



4.       First aid measures


4.1  General indications:

Never provide drink or induce vomiting in the event of loss of consciousness.


4.2  Inhaling:

Take the person out into the fresh air. In the event of suffocation, proceed to provide artificial respiration.


4.3  Contact with the skin:

Wash with plenty of soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. In the event of irritation, seek medical assistance.


4.4  Eyes:

Wash with plenty of water (for at least 15 minutes), keeping eyelids open. Seek medical assistance.


4.5  Swallowing:

Drink large amounts of water. Avoid vomiting. Seek immediate medical assistance.


5.      Firefighting measures



Version и revision date :  1 16.3.2012.         Date published:  16.3.2012.        



S a f e t y     D a t a     S h e e t

в соответствии с Regulation (EC) 1907/2006

6567  Nonidet® п-40 Substitute 


1.      Определение the соединен./mixture и the company/undertaking

1.1  Product identifier


Nonidet® п-40 Substitute





REACH Registration Number: A registration number is not available for this соединен. как the соединен. или its use are exempted from registration в соответствии с Article 2 REACH Regulation (EC) Nº 1907/2006, the annual tonnage does not requiere a registration, the registration is envisaged for a later registration deadline или it is a mixture.


1.2  Relevant identified uses вещества или mixture:



Для общелабораторного использования, analysis, research и мелк. chemistry.


1.3  Определение the company или firm:


C/Garraf 2

Polígono Pla de la Bruguera

E-08211 Castellar del Vallès

(Barcelona)  Spain

Tel. (+34) 937 489 400

e-mail: product.safety@panreac.com


1.4  Emergency telephone:

Single telephone number for emergency calls: 112 (EU)

Tel.: (+34) 937 489 499


2.      Виды опасного воздействия


Классификация вещества или the mixture.




Классификация Regulation (CE) nº 1272/2008.


Eye Irrit. 2


Skin Irrit. 2

Resp. Sens 1

Skin Sens. 1


Hazard Pictograms



Signal word




  Hazard statements

H319  Causes serious eye irritation.

H335  May cause respiratory irritation.

H315  Causes skin irritation.

H334  May cause allergy или asthma symptoms или затруднение дыхания if inhaled.

H317  May cause an allergic skin reaction.



  Precautionary statements

P280  Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, Защита глаз или face protection.

P302+P352  IF ON SKIN: Wash с plenty soap и вода.

P304+P340  IF INHALED: Remove victim до fresh air и keep при rest в a position comfortable for breathing.

P305+P351+P338  IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously с водой for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present и easy до do. Continue rinsing.




Классификация (67/548/CEE или 1999/45/CE).


Xi   Irritant

T   Токсично

N   Dangerous for the environment







For the full text the R-выражения mentioned в this section, see section 16.

3.       Состав/information on ingredients



Название: Nonidet® п-40 Substitute

CAS [9016-45-9]

Номер ЕС (EINECS): 500-024-6



4.       Первая помощь measures


4.1  General indications:

Never provide drink или Вызвать рвоту в the event loss consciousness.


4.2  Вдыхание:

Переместить пострадавшего на свежий воздух. В the event suffocation, proceed до provide artificial respiration.


4.3  Contact с the skin:

Wash с plenty soap и вода. Remove contaminated clothing. При раздражении кожи, seek medical assistance.


4.4  Глаза:

Промыть большим количеством воды (не менее 15 minutes), Веки постоянно держать открытыми. Обратиться за медицинской помощью.


4.5  Попадание Внутрь:

Выпить большое количество воды. Avoid рвота. Seek immediate medical assistance.


5.      Firefighting measures


5.1  Suitable extinguishing среда:

Вода. Углекислый газ (CO2). Пена. Песок.


5.2  Unsuitable extinguishing среда:

No specific data.


5.3  Special hazards arising from the соединен. или mixture:



5.4  Advice for firefighters:

Специальная одежда и обувь. Self-contained breathing equipment.


6.       Accidental release measures


6.1  Personal precautions, Средства индивидуальной защиты и emergency procedures:

Avoid Контакт с кожей, глаза или clothing. Обеспечить хорошую вентиляцию Не вдыхать пары.


6.2  Environmental precautions:

Do not allow it до enter the drainage system. Избегайте загрязнения почвы, систем водоснабжения и дренажа.


6.3  Methods и material for containment и cleaning up:

Collect up с absorbent materials (Panreac абсорбент общего назначения, Kieselguhr, etc.) или, if none available, безводн. sand или earth, и deposit в waste containers for subsequent elimination в соответствии с законодательством. Clean any remains с plenty вода.


7.       Правила обращения и хранения


7.1 Precautions for safe обращение:

Ensure good ventilation и renewal the air в the premises.


7.2 Conditions for safe хранение, including any incompatibilities:

  В запечатанных контейнерах.В a cool, безводн., well ventilated place.


8.       Exposure controls/personal protection


8.1  Exposure controls:

Ensure good ventilation и renewal the air в the premises.


8.2 Control parameters:

:  Нет данных.,



8.3 Защита органов дыхания:

В the event fumes forming/aerosols, use suitable Защита органов дыхания.


8.4 Защита рук:

Использовать защитные перчатки


8.5 Eye/face protection:

Использовать защитные очки.


8.6 Индивидуальные средства гигиены:

Избавиться от загрязненной одежды. Wash hands и face before breaks и when the job is done. Use suitable work clothing. Do not eat, drink или smoke в the workplace. Do not inhale the соединен..


8.7 Контроль воздействия на окружающую среду:

Fulfill the commitments under local environmental protection legislation.


9.      Physical и chemical properties


 Внешний Вид: жидкость



Granulometry: N/A

Запах: N/A



точка плавления/Температура замерзания: N/A

Initial Точка кипения и Интервал температур кипения:


Точка воспламенения:


Flammability (solid, gas):


Верхний/нижний flammability или explosive показатели:


Давление пара: N/A

Vapour плотность: N/A

Relative плотность:




Partition coefficient: н-октанол/вода:


Auto-ignition temperature:


Decomposition temperature: N/A

Кинематич. вязк.:N/A

Динамич. вязк.:


10.  Стабильность и реакционноспособность


10.1  Conditions до avoid: 

The product is chemically stable under standar ambient conditions (room temperature).  


10.2   Incompatible materials:

Strong Окислители. Сильные основания.


10.3  Hazardous decomposition products:

 Моноксид углерода.  Углекислый газ.  Водород фторид - fumes.  оксиды азота.


10.4  Chemical stability:

No specific data. 


11.  Токсикологическая информация


11.1          Acute toxicity:

LD50 oral rat  :  1.310 мг/кг      

LD50 oral rbt  :  2 мг/кг      


11.2          Dangerous effects for health:

If inhaled: Irritations до the mucosae coughing затруднение дыхания Upon contact с the skin: irritations Through contact с the глаза: irritations При попадании внутрь: Irritations the mucosae в the mouth, throat, oesophagus и intestinal tract. Др. dangerous characteristics are not discarded. Take the usual precautions for обращение chemical products.


12.  Информация по окружающей среде


12.1  Toxicity:

Ecotoxic Нет данных. 


12.2  Persistence и Период Распада :

Нет данных.


12.3  Bioaccumulative potential:

Нет данных.


12.4  Мобильность в soil :

Нет данных.


12.5 Assessment PBT и MPMB :

Нет данных.


12.6  Др. adverse effects:

Do not allow it до enter soils или вода channels.

Do not allow it до enter the sewage system.



13. Disposal considerations


13.1  Waste treatment methods:

В the Европейск. Union, there are no homogeneous standards established for elimination chemical waste, which is waste a special nature, и treatment и elimination same is subject до the domestic legislation в each country.

 В view this, в each case, you should contact the competent authority или those companies legally authorized for elimination waste.

2001/573/EC: Council Decision 23 July 2001 amending Commission Decision 2000/532/EC как regards the list wastes.Council Directive 91/156/EEC 18 March 1991 amending Directive 75/442/EEC on waste.



13.2  Загрязненные контейнеры:

Загрязненные контейнеры и packaging dangerous соединения или preparations must be treated в the same manner как the actual products contained в them.

Европейск. Parliament и Council Directive 94/62/EC 20 December 1994 on packaging и packaging waste.



14.  Transport information


Автотранспорт (ADR):

Техническое название: ENVIRONMENTALLY Опасная Доза SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S.

UN   3082       Класс: 9      Группа: III (E)

Морской транспорт (IMDG):

Техническое название: ENVIRONMENTALLY Опасная Доза SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S.

UN   3082       Класс: 9      Группа: III

Авиа транспорт (ICAI-IATA):

Техническое название: Environmentally опасная доза соединен., жидкость, n.o.s.

UN   3082       Класс: 9       Группа: III

Инструкция по упаковке:    CAO 964     PAX 964

15.  Regulatory information


This safety datasheet complies с the requirements Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006.



16.  Дополнительная информация


  Др. precautionary statements



Labelling (65/548/CEE или 1999/45/CE)



R36/38   Irritating до глаза и skin.

R62   Possible риск impaired fertility.

R63   Possible риск harm до the unborn child.

R51/53   Токсично до aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects в the aquatic environment.



S26   В case contact с глаза, rinse immediately с plenty вода и seek medical advice.

S37/39   Wear suitable gloves и eye/face protection.



Version и revision date : 1 16.3.2012

Date published: 16.3.2012

The information included в this Safety Data Sheet is based on our most up-до-date knowledge, и is solely intended до inform regarding aspects safety; the properties и characteristics indicated herein are not guaranteed.